Zanzibar Ice Cream Zanice
Zanzibar Ice Cream Zanice

About Us

Zanice was established in 2019 when Axel, our founder, recognised the opportunity to create something special on Zanzibar. Despite the availability of local ice cream, Axel was determined to raise the bar for quality and taste, leading to the creation of Zanice. Starting with a few flavours, the company has quickly gained a following across Zanzibar and has since expanded to produce clean drinking ice and supply hotels and shops around the island while remaining committed to sustainable sourcing and exceptional product quality.

At Zanice, our mission is simple: to create the best possible product while supporting local people, sourcing our ingredients responsibly, and promoting sustainable practices. Our values are rooted in quality, sustainability, and community.

Our team is made up of dedicated ice cream enthusiasts, committed to making the best possible product and creating a welcoming atmosphere for all customers. We're proud to be a diverse and inclusive team, with members from all walks of life.

We're committed to making a positive impact on Zanzibar. By sourcing our ingredients locally, we're supporting small producers and reducing our carbon footprint. In addition, we're constantly looking for ways to reduce waste and conserve resources in our production facility. Looking ahead, we're excited to continue growing and expanding our business, while staying true to our mission and values. Our plans include supplying more hotels and shops around Zanzibar and beyond, developing new flavours and products, and finding new ways to promote sustainability and support our community.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Zanice and our mission to create the best ice cream possible while making a positive impact on Zanzibar and beyond. We invite you to try our delicious flavors and experience the difference for yourself.

Got questions or comments? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you!